Verdandir Sadi

The price of having a soft heart is feeling the world's pain.

Traveler, Healer, Pacifist... Dravanian

Leaving her home and seeking to learn more about the wider world, Verdandir has adopted a false clan-name and presents herself as a wandering Au Ra Healer. At least, to the best of her ability.

Verdandir Sadi - About

Verdandir Sadi is a traveling healer of the scholar variety, holding no permanent home amoung the City-States. Moving from settlement to settlement, city to city, she seeks both to bring her healing abilities to any and everyone in need, and to learn as much as she possibly can about the world around her. Constantly curious, and sometimes painfully naive, she craves to understand and connect to the people around her, even as she eventually withdraws and moves on. She takes contracts with local clinics for several weeks or months as well as assisting local Adventuring Guild Halls as a local healer-for-hire, though a purely pacifistic one. Verdandir will not harm anyone, man nor beast, regardless of nation or occupation, and will seek to render aid to any she finds in need. (Any Adventuring party is ‘usually’ briefed of this when offered her contract, considering this could be… a problem.)
A secret Verdandir hides, and why she is both deeply curious and naive, is that she is a child of Hraesvelgr’s flight. A Dravanina born of Vidofnir during the midst of the Dragonsong War. She was avidly fascinated by the Sharlayan Colony when it was established and crept down to observe the inhabitants, which is where she learned what she did of Landlord ways before the Calamity. At the end of the Dragonsong War she decided to take Landlord form and leave her people to try to learn how the world, and its people, have changed in the thousand years that Dravanian and Man have been split. She ‘acquired’ a teacher (of sorts) during her time at the Sharlayan Colony who provided the necklaces that help to shield her aether and allows her to better hide her draconic nature.

AGE: Adult (550+ years)
RACE: Au Ra (Dravanian)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Demi-Bisexal
HAIR: Silver-white
EYES: Silver with white limbal ring
HEIGHT: 4′7″
SCALES: Pure White

Verdandir Sadi - Gallery

Verdandir Sadi - Gallery 2

Role Play Hooks

The Traveling Healer
Verdandir is a powerful healer, happy to assist any and everyone that needs it. Visiting a small settlement with a clinic? She might be working there. Need a healer to join an Adventuring Job? She is registered for hire when she's in the area.

To Those in Need
Verdandir likes everyone. Landlords, Beastmen, animals... Her genuine desire is to help those around her in whatever ways she can, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Priest, pirate, adventurer, Garlean, if there's something she can do to help someone she will. Healing, fetching something, delivering messages, provided it is something she can do, she will do it for others.

In the Blood
Verdandir is a Dravanian, a dragon, and that comes with many pros and cons. While her Sharlayan-created necklaces help to smother and obscure her aether, they are not absolute and can be broken or overwhelmed. Even amoung her kind, she has an over-abundance of aether, making her eyes and blood attractive to those who desire such things.

Memories of Sharlayan
Verdandir spent years watching and, eventually, interacting with some in the Sharlayan Colony. After the abandonment of the colony, she was deeply saddened and longs for them to return. She is perceptive to Sharlayan accents and is eager to seek out the company of those she believes she can learn much from.


Hi! Thank you for taking an interest in little Verda. Verdandir is on the Balmung Server in the Crystal Datacenter. I'm currently around very often, but most active afternoons until very late at night US CST. Nothing Verdandir does while online is IC unless her RP tag is active.
While Verda is a very soft and gentle character, I'm very happy to discuss dark and mature themed RP, provided ample communication and fitting situation. Please be comfortable discussing extreme themes before introducing them to any RP(rape, graphic torture, etc), as I do not wish to be ambushed with themes or scenes that would be extremely uncomfortable. I am not open to the killing of my character, though injury is perfectly acceptable with proper discussion and situation. I focus on lore compliant, but not stringent lore policing/breaking RP, keeping true to the Eorzean setting and information.
I'm very happy to accommodate pre-existing character relationships, general head-cannoning, and support multi-shipping contingent upon respectful communication. While I am a very shy and quiet person, I am always happy to discuss characters, plots and RP ideas with people. Please feel free to drop Verda a line through either Twitter or Tumblr!